WooCommerce SEO & Website Search Engine Optimization Services

WooCommerce SEO

WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce shopping carts and at OuterBox we are proficient in WooCommerce SEO and search engine marketing. Since 2004 we’ve been eCommerce experts and have performed SEO on all major eCommerce platforms. Let OuterBox help you make the most of your online store and increase your sales.

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WooCommerce SEO
Company Stats:
Successful client relationships
Page #1 Google rankings delivered
Years an SEO focused agency
Our In-House eCommerce SEO team and professional design and development team make OuterBox a standout WooCommerce SEO company.
WooCommerce SEO Plans

WooCommerce SEO Plans

With proven Ecommerce SEO strategies we can take your WooCommerce website to the next level.
eCommerce SEO for Woo

We Know WooCommerce

We have a full in-house team of WooCommerce SEO's and WooCommerce developers.
Transparent SEO Strategies

Unsure About WooCommerce SEO? Ask Us.

Marketing your WooCommerce site can be tricky. Allow our experts to guide you in the right direction.
Learn More About Our WooCommerce SEO Services

Get Your WooCommerce SEO Estimate

We understand your website is unique and we develop a custom WooCommerce SEO marketing proposal for each client. Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you with a custom pricing estimate. Or, if you’d like to discuss your project over the phone, call us at 1-866-647-9218. We’re open Monday through Friday, 9-5 EST.

Quote Request - SEO

Form for SEO specific landing pages

    • SEO
      • What would you like to achieve working with an SEO expert?
      • Have you worked with an SEO company before?
    • Your Contact Information
    • *Providing a phone number will allow us to easily contact you regarding questions we may have about your SEO goals.

We'll get back to you within 24 hours.
Monday - Friday.
For immediate service, call us at
Offices open 9-5 EST.

WooCommerce SEO FAQs

How much do WooCommerce SEO services cost?

WooCommerce SEO services will be priced about the same as traditional SEO services. Depending on the SEO company you choose, hourly rates vary from $150/hour to $500/hour and beyond. View our SEO pricing and costs for more information on standard SEO pricing models and associated fees.

How do you do SEO on WooCommerce websites?

Traditional eCommerce SEO strategies will apply to WooCommerce stores, but implementation and execution of advanced tactics will be best handled by an experienced WooCommerce SEO agency. 

How do I choose a reputable WooCommerce SEO company?

Look for an eCommerce-focused SEO agency with WordPress and WooCommerce experience. OuterBox is a full-service eCommerce agency offering WooCommerce development, WooCommerce SEO, and other important digital marketing services.

What are SEO challenges specific to WooCommerce store owners?

Since WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress, it is relatively SEO-friendly. While there are some WordPress-specific SEO challenges, overall, WooCommerce is a great eCommerce platform for SEO. If you don’t have an active SEO campaign, consider our SEO audit services to discover ways to improve your WooCommerce store’s organic visibility.

What WordPress or WooCommerce plugins are best for SEO?

There are a variety of SEO plugins for WordPress & WooCommerce, most notably Yoast. While these plugins are certainly useful, they do not replace professional SEO services. In general, the use of plugins should be minimized as much as possible, and it’s typically preferred to have any custom functionality coded by a WooCommerce developer. 

How long does it take to see SEO results on WooCommerce?

SEO is a long-term strategy, but you should still start to see positive trends relatively quickly. How long it takes to see ranking improvements for your desired keywords depends on many factors, including your existing organic visibility, the competitiveness of your target keywords, and more. If you want to drive immediate traffic to your WooCommerce store, be prepared to invest more resources into SEO or consider PPC services

How can I determine if SEO is working for our WooCommerce business?

The best SEO agencies will have no problem clearly reporting on their work, progress, and success. With analytics software and keyword ranking reports, an SEO agency should be able to show improved keyword rankings for viable keywords, increased organic traffic, and ultimately, increased organic conversions, revenue, and sales.

What keywords should our WooCommerce SEO campaign target?

Keyword research is an integral part of a successful WooCommerce SEO campaign. Our skilled and experienced SEO strategists will perform in-depth keyword research and competitor research to identify the best keywords for your WooCommerce SEO campaign to target. This will include keywords that are attainable for your domain and have eCommerce intent.

Is WooCommerce better or worse for SEO than other platforms, such as Shopify and BigCommerce?

There are many eCommerce platforms available for business owners to choose from, and they all have strengths and weaknesses for SEO. If you’re curious about which is the best eCommerce platform for your business, consider reaching out to an eCommerce consultant.  We offer SEO services for all major eCommerce platforms, including Shopify SEOMagento SEO, and BigCommerce SEO.

What type of SEO agency is best for WooCommerce sites?

Since WooCommerce is an eCommerce platform, it makes sense to find an agency that is experienced with eCommerce-focused SEO. The best eCommerce platform for your business will ultimately depend on more factors than SEO-friendliness. Learn more about the best eCommerce platforms for SEO.

Why is OuterBox the best SEO agency for my WooCommerce store?

We are a full-service eCommerce services provider, offering WooCommerce SEO and Woocomerce web design & development. OuterBox has been an industry-leading eCommerce SEO agency since 2004.