Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Transition & Migration Services

Need to migrate your Google Analytics Universal account over to GA4? Our Analytics experts will handle the transition from beginning to end.

  • Complete GA4 Set-Up
  • Customized Views & Data
  • In-House Analytics Experts
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Let Our Pros Migrate Your Google Analytics to GA4

Google announced all websites using Google Analytics would need to switch to GA4 to continue capturingย website data. These data points include all of the metrics you look at regularly, including website traffic, traffic sources, goal completions, and eCommerce sales data. For the average online business, losing this data is not an option. At OuterBox, we’ve been website design, development, SEO, and PPC experts since 2004 and have a Google Analytics team in-house to help with your GA4 migration. Due to the number of requests we are receiving for transition projects, it is crucial to contact us as soon as possible for an estimate and scheduling.

Get a GA4 Migration Service Estimate

Our team will answer questions, give suggestions, and provide you with a detailed GA4 migration scope, pricing estimate, and project timeline. We look forward to discussing your Google Analytics 4 project.

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    • *Providing a phone number will allow us to easily contact you regarding questions we may have about your project.

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Learn More About GA4 Features

Google created GA4 (Google Analytics 4) in order to provide more accurate and robust tracking of user behavior on websites and mobile apps which should allow marketers and SEOs to gather valuable information for their campaigns.

Some of the features of GA4 include:

  1. Enhanced tracking capabilities: GA4 offers more precise tracking of user behavior, including data on page view and user interactions which configured properly.
  2. Improved user privacy: GA4 allows for more privacy-conscious tracking, with the ability to opt-out of tracking and the use of anonymized user data.
  3. Better integration with other Google tools: GA4 can seamlessly integrate with other Google products, such as Google Ads, to provide a more comprehensive view of user behavior.
  4. Enhanced reporting capabilities: GA4 offers more detailed and customizable reports, allowing for a better understanding of user behavior and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
  5. Real-time data: GA4 provides real-time data on user behavior, allowing for immediate analysis and response.

GA4 is the latest version of Google Analytics and will eventually replace universal analytics, so it is important to switch to GA4 now to ensure that you have access to the latest features and capabilities.

GA4 Transition FAQs

How Much Does a GA4 Transition Cost?

Depending on the size of your website and the data points you’d like to track, a GA4 transition project can range from $1,500 to $10,000+. Our team will be happy to provide you with a free migration estimate.

When Does The Transition Need To Be Done By?

Universal Google Analytics (the previous version) will be shut down on July 1, 2023, so it is imperative to complete your transition project before this date otherwise you will no longer be able to track your website data, visits and conversions and will have gaps in your data.

When Was GA4 Released?

Google Analytics 4 was released on October 14, 2020. With this being said, Google is giving users roughly 2.5 years to make the transition from Universal to GA4.

How Long Does a GA4 Transition Project Take?

Usually, we can complete a GA4 transition project within 2-6 weeks depending on complexity and scheduling. Currently, our team is very busy with transition projects, so please contact us ASAP for an estimate and timeline.