BigCommerce SEO Services & Search Marketing

BigCommerce SEO Services

OuterBox is a search engine marketing agency that specializes in BigCommerce SEO services. Businesses come to us looking to make the most of their BigCommerce store. We will work to move your main keywords to the top of Google and improve your conversion rate. Let OuterBox increase online sales on your BigCommerce website.

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BigCommerce SEO Services
Company Stats:
Successful client relationships
Page #1 Google rankings delivered
Years an SEO focused agency

Our team of SEO's & eCommerce pros makes us the industry leading BigCommerce SEO services agency.

BigCommerce SEO services are a set of services designed to help BigCommerce businesses improve their search engine optimization (SEO) and increase their visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). These services include keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, content creation, and technical SEO audits, among others, depending on the unique needs of your website and search marketing goals. By implementing these eCommerce SEO strategies and techniques, a BigCommerce website can improve its position on Google for highly searched key phrases and drive more traffic and sales to its site.

Need game-changing organic search results for your BigCommerce website? We’ll use proven strategies to grow your organic traffic and online sales.

BigCommerce SEO Services Award
#1 BigCommerce SEO Agency
SEMfirms BigCommerce Award Winner
Best BigCommerce SEO Agencies
Premier Search Agency
BigCommerce SEO

BigCommerce SEO Agency

Our in-house SEO team offers the required experience to elevate BigCommerce brands to the top of Google. Let us do it for you.
BigCommerce Experts

We Know BigCommerce Inside & Out

We've been in business since 2004 and know the intricacies of your BigCommerce store. We'll develop a tailored SEO campaign.
SEO Questions

Unsure About SEO? We'll Help.

We get it. SEO is complicated, and there is a lot to consider. Allow our team to walk you through our proven BigCommerce SEO process.
Learn More About Our BigCommerce SEO Services

Get Your BigCommerce SEO Estimate

At OuterBox we help BigCommerce websites rank page #1 and reach their true potential online. We’ll show you exactly what we’ll do, how much it’ll cost, and how we’re going to crush your competitors.

Want to get the ball rolling quicker? Call 1-866-647-9218.

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      • What would you like to achieve working with an SEO expert?
      • Have you worked with an SEO company before?
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    • *Providing a phone number will allow us to easily contact you regarding questions we may have about your SEO goals.

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Offices open 9-5 EST.

How To Choose a BigCommerce SEO Agency

When choosing a BigCommerce SEO company, it can be quite difficult to evaluate and compare the many different agencies available.

Here are some steps to choose an SEO that knows BigCommerce inside-and-out:

  • Research and identify potential SEOs that specialize in BigCommerce, like we do here at OuterBox. You can use search engines and SEO industry directories to find agencies.
  • Review the SEOs’ websites and portfolios to assess their expertise and experience with BigCommerce. Check if they have any case studies or testimonials from clients who have used their services on a BigCommerce platform. An OuterBox sales representative will be happy to walk you through BigCommerce successes and case studies.
  • Talk with specific team members to understand their knowledge and experience with BigCommerce. Ask specific questions about their approach, strategies, and tools they use to optimize websites on the BigCommerce platform as it can be unique.
  • You can also pay for several potential BigCommerce SEO companies to perform an SEO audit of your BigCommerce store and compare the results, seeing which one you like working with.
  • Schedule a consultation with the SEOs to discuss your website and business goals. This will give you an opportunity to assess their communication skills and understanding of your business. We can also provide you with a free detailed SEO blueprint and estimate.

Our Most Important BigCommerce SEO Services Include:

  • BigCommerce theme optimization
  • BigCommerce app installation and configuration
  • Header tag optimization
  • Optimization of title tags
  • Keyword research
  • New content creation
  • Current content modifications
  • Link profile management
  • Detailed SEO reporting
  • & much more

BigCommerce SEO FAQs

How much do BigCommerce SEO services cost?

BigCommerce SEO services will typically cost the same as standard eCommerce SEO services. At OuterBox, our typical campaigns range from $1500/month to $10,000+ per month, depending on your goals and the competitiveness of your keywords. View our SEO pricing and costs guide for more information on standard SEO pricing models and associated fees.

How do you do SEO on BigCommerce websites?

SEO strategies for BigCommerce websites will not vary significantly from traditional SEO. However, implementation of those strategies will be different than on other platforms. Working with an agency that understands BigCommerce’s SEO issues and common problems and has experience with eCommerce SEO is crucial for setting your company up for a successful BigCommerce SEO campaign.

What keywords should be chosen for BigCommerce sites?

If you’re selling a product or service on BigCommerce, you need to identify keywords that indicate searchers would be likely to complete your desired goals once they arrive on your website. OuterBox includes in-depth and ongoing keyword research as part of our BigCommerce SEO campaigns to identify the best keywords to target for your business.

How do I find a reputable BigCommerce SEO company?

Ask potential SEO companies what experience they have with BigCommerce as well as your specific industry. OuterBox has been at the cutting edge of eCommerce SEO for nearly two decades and has worked on many BigCommerce websites. When choosing an SEO company, ask for case studies and testimonials from other BigCommerce store owners.

How long does it take to see SEO results with BigCommerce stores?

While SEO is a long-term strategy, you can start to see positive results relatively quickly. How long it takes to see ranking improvements for your desired keywords depends on many factors, including your existing organic visibility, the competitiveness of your target keywords, and more. If you want faster results, be prepared to invest more resources into SEO or consider PPC services.

What SEO challenges do BigCommerce store owners face?

BigCommerce is a strong eCommerce platform, but there are some specific BigCommerce SEO issues that store owners face. These challenges are mostly mitigated when working with an experienced BigCommerce SEO agency.

How do I know if SEO is working for our BigCommerce store?

Reputable SEO agencies will provide detailed reporting on the work done and the results they are seeing. If your monthly SEO reports are leaving you scratching your head, your current SEO efforts might not be effective.  Discuss your project with our BigCommerce SEO experts today to determine the effectiveness of your BigCommerce SEO campaign.

Why should I choose an SEO agency that focuses on eCommerce?

As one of the original eCommerce SEO agencies, OuterBox has gained priceless skills and experience with both eCommerce and SEO. We understand how to build successful SEO strategies and have a proven track record of delivering a positive ROI for eCommerce business owners. We’ll take all of our SEO knowledge and apply it to your website.

5 Star Rated Company

OuterBox is rated 4.8 / 5 average from 867 reviews on FeaturedCustomers & Clutch