
Link Building Strategy:

Developing Statistics Link Magnet Content

What Is a Link Magnet Page?

They name may be self explanatory, but a link magnet page is a page people actually WANT to link to. Meaning it has quality content, is useful and typically well designed. It brings value to other internet uses and they may want to share it. The old saying “content is king” is related to on-site SEO, but it applies here too. If you create killer content, you’ll get some killer links in return.

So, How Can I Use Statistics Content to Build Links?

There are a few reasons why compiling statistics within a page on your website can work well.

  1. Everyone is searching stats constantly. Think about how often you’ve done it!
  2. Students, editors and other publishers are always looking for sources to cite. When they cite a source, typically they link back to you.

There are some huge advantages to gaining links using this strategy.

First off, paying for links isn’t something you should be doing and if you are, it gets very expensive.

Driving a ton of NATURAL links to your website creates a diverse and real link profile. Plus, you’ll get links from some awesome source that you would never be able to pay to place a link on their website (see case study below).

Steps To Starting a Statistics Content Page:

  • Do keyword research in your industry. Determine what type of stats your customers, or people in your industry, may be looking for.
  • Compile stats from multiple sources. Feel free to cite those sources when building your page.
  • Build and optimize your page for the search engines (the optimization part is very important to this strategy!)
  • Create an infographic or other interesting content to make the page look great

Case Study - See a statistics link magnet page in action!

The Statistics Page We Built

At OuterBox we focus on eCommerce website design and search engine optimization, so for us it made sense to publish statistics around these topics. The page we decided to develop first was a page around online shopping statistics, specifically on mobile devices and the trends around mobile shopping.

Read: Mobile eCommerce Statistics and Trends

The Links Our Statistics Strategy Helped Us Build

Using you can see below this this page has over 1000 domains (yes, unique domains!) linking to it.

And the domain quality is outstanding. How else would you get websites like these to link to yours?

Stats Link Building Action Items

  • Brainstorm statistics your audience would be interested in
  • Build awesome content
  • Optimize that content using on-site SEO techniques
  • Watch the links roll in!
  • (We can do all of this for you)
Tips for a mobile friendly website
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